Learn how to use our AI powered Media Asset Managment, Axle AI. With this videos you can acquire all the skills needed to become an expert user of our hybrid cloud MAM, ensuring maximum productivity.

Axle’s interface

To see Axle’s interface, simply open your preferred web browser, Chrome Safari, Firefox or Microsoft Edge and type the IP address of Axle server slash Axle web into the address bar…

Simple Search

Axle Search uses the entire database, which means that no matter where the files you need are stored, you can find them using a wide variety of criteria, including the file name…

Remote access

We’ve found that the way our clients work and where they might work from can change quickly. Users may need to access their media from different remote locations…

List View

A key yet simple feature in Excel is the ability to switch from grid or icon view to list view. Clicking on the icon switches between the two views  In list view, the users can control …


Axle has a simple approval system that allows editors, producers or clients to approve or reject a clip. Click on the Circle icon below the clip and use the color-coded menu…

Wildcard Search

A useful feature. An actual search is the ability to do wild card searches using the wild card star character. For example, I want to do a search for all the clips in a catalog that might have comments…

Filter by file type

Axle has a very useful filtering tool which makes finding files quick and easy. The filter can be used on its own or with our simple and advanced search tool. Firstly, by selecting the file type…

Status Panel

Axle has a status area where standard users can view the current status of a number of events. For example, the current files that are having approx is created. Please note that the system will gather…

User Languages

A feature that is not well known in Excel is the ability to switch between different user languages. To do this, click on the admin icon on the top right. Select languages and then choose …

Copying Metadata

We’re excited about our new metadata copy feature. It allows users to enter metadata into a single file, then copy that data and paste it into other files. The copy and paste metadata functions

Smart filters

Smart filters help users to find content really quickly. There are preset filters and users can also add their own filters. Preset filters includes new files created today, this month

Editing Metadata

The first step to using Axle to tag and organize your media is to create metadata fields. Once created, these fields will automatically be available for all files in the appropriate catalog. 

Advanced Search

With Axel’s Advanced Search, you can select specific fields to search, adjust the search operators and more. Click the Advanced Search icon in the search bar.

Proxy files

Occasionally a user may need to regenerate a proxy file or if there is a large queue of proxies being processed, an actual user may wish to push a particular…


As well as supporting a wide range of video, audio and graphics files. Axle AI also supports PDF files. If the file is viewed, users will see the individual pages.

Creating Bins

To create your first bin, you can click on the bins icon in the navigation column or select “New Bin” from the command gear icon menu. Type in a name for your bin…

Creating Subclips

From the Folder view, you can select any number of assets and choose the appropriate bin from the Add to Bin option in the Action menu. This will create a sub…

Sharing Clips

Learn how to share clips with external users using Axle’s sharing feature. This guide covers steps for sharing clips, setting expiry dates, and allowing downloads…

Setting up axle speech

To start using Axle Speech, you need to create an account at axlesupport.com. Once you create your account, you should create your token by giving the…

Axle Speech

Just start processing assets with access speech. You should make sure your administrator has enabled that permission for you. If you do have it, you should be able to process any asset…

Setting up axle speech

An important feature of Axle is the ability to archive clips to a network storage location. The admin sets up the archive locations and also sets the archive permissions for users to archive clips…

Adobe panel

Once you log into the panel, you’re going to see an exact replica of the Axle interface within the panel. So you can navigate through your catalogs. You can find your files…